Please note: full, detailed copies of the ORIENT School District policies are on file at the district office and copies are available upon request.
The Orient School District is committed to creating a positive and productive working and learning environment free of discrimination. The District prohibits discrimination/sexual harassment/ harassment/intimidation/bullying of its employees or students, whether committed by a co-worker, supervisor, subordinate, contractor, volunteer or student. The District’s full policies and procedures and are on file in our school building for staff, students, parents or community members to view.
The Orient School District complies with all federal and state rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual preference, marital status, age, or disability with regard to all students who are interested in participating in educational programs and/or extra-curricular school activities, admission, access to services, treatment or employment and all opportunities in programs and activities. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district. Individuals who may need auxiliary aids, accommodations or modifications for communications, employment, programs, and/or services (including students who meet 504 criteria) are asked to make their needs and preferences known to the Principal at 684-6873.
In accordance with Orient School District Policy, the unlawful possession, use and/or distribution of illicit drugs and/or alcohol or any other illegal chemical substance on school premises or during any school related activity is prohibited. Since drug, alcohol, and tobacco use is illegal and interferes with both effective learning and the healthy development of children and adolescents, the district has a fundamental legal and ethical obligation to prevent drug use and to maintain a drug-free educational environment. Staff and students may be subject to disciplinary action or prosecution for violation of this policy. To ensure the safety, health and well being of all students and staff, the Board has developed procedures for a comprehensive substance abuse prevention program that in collaboration with the ESD 101, addresses prevention, intervention, referral, and other necessary corrective actions. Compliance is mandatory and will be enforced.
In accordance with Orient School District Policy, the use of any tobacco product on school district property, which includes school buildings, grounds, district owned vehicles and school buses, is prohibited. This holds true for employees, students, parents, visitors, spectators, and patrons. Staff and students may be subject to disciplinary action for violation of this policy. Tobacco is included in our comprehensive substance abuse prevention program that in collaboration with the ESD 101, addresses prevention, intervention, referral, and other necessary corrective actions.
In accordance with Orient School District Policy and state law, it is prohibited for any person to carry a firearm or any dangerous weapon (including toys that resemble weapons) on school premises, school provided transportation, or areas of other facilities being used for school activities. RCW 9.41.280 states: “…any violation of subsection (1) of this section by elementary or secondary school students constitutes grounds for expulsion from the state’s public schools…an appropriate school authority shall promptly notify law enforcement and the student’s parent/guardian regarding any allegation or indication of such violation.
The Orient School District uses Integrated Pest Management (IPM) modeled after Environmental Protection Agency recommended guidelines for the control of structural and landscape pests. IPM coordinates the use of non-chemical methods along with all available pest control methods. These include pruning, using disease resistant plants, and the judicious use of chemicals that are deemed the least hazardous to human health, and least damaging to the environment. Chemicals are applied by a commercial applicator or a licensed district employee. A notice will be posted in the school’s main office 48 hours prior to the application of any biologic or chemical pesticide. It will provide the reason for application and the name of the product to be used. For individual pre-notification, please call the school and ask to be placed on the pesticide pre-notification list. Notification procedures do not apply to emergency applications to school facilities for the control of any pests that pose immediate human health or safety threats.
Orient School District Policy outlines information related to student records, including, but not limited to student/parent access to records and provides public access to district records according to the procedures developed by the superintendent and periodically reviewed by the board.
The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits a school district to release “directory information” about a student unless a parent/guardian chooses not to have it released. Parents/guardians receive a release form when enrolling their child in school and each fall parents/guardians are given a form to update. If the parent/guardian does not return the document, then it is assumed that it is okay to release information. If you mark “no” for any of the items on this form, we will honor that until you give us permission, in writing, to release your child’s name or photo. Forms are available year-round at the District office.
The District has developed an Asbestos Management Plan for Orient School, as required by the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986. The act requires schools to be inspected to identify any asbestos-containing building materials, and for any such suspected materials to be located, sampled (or assumed), and rated according to condition and potential hazard. Every three years the district conducts a re-inspection to determine whether the condition of the known or assumed asbestos-containing materials has changed, and to make recommendations on managing or removing the materials. A walk-through inspection is also made every six months.
It is the intention of the district to comply with all federal and state regulations controlling asbestos, and to take whatever steps necessary to ensure students and employees a healthy and safe environment in which to learn and work. AHERA manuals are available in the District office.
Under the No Child Left Behind Act, parents and students in schools that receive Title I dollars have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of classroom teachers. For more information, contact the Principal at 684-6873. Orient School is Title I School wide school and as such, is required to annually review and revise its School wide Plan along with Orient’s Title I Parent Involvement Policy at the SIT meeting at the first of every year. Parents and students have the right to attend and participate in the development of each document. Dates and times will be posted at least 7 days before this meeting.
Special Education services are offered to students ages birth to 21 who meet state and federal guidelines and are in need of specialized education programs. The Orient School District uses a process called “Child Find” to locate these students (see Child Find link). If you suspect a student may be in need of these services, you may make a referral by contacting Cher Belcher at 684-6873.
In addition to qualifying for the District’s Highly Capable Program by meeting District policy criteria, students may be nominated by teachers, parents, peers, and members of the community to qualify for the program. Nominators will complete a referral form available at the District office, and teachers will provide information that includes scores on statewide and local assessments, classroom performance and general achievement levels. A District team will screen each referral. If additional assessments are deemed necessary, the principal or designee will obtain written parental permission prior to administrating them. The District will notify parents and obtain their permission before their child becomes involved in the Highly Capable program. Parents shall receive a full explanation of the procedures for identification, program options, and the appeal process. Parents will be involved in the development of their student’s education plan and its review.
Prior to attendance at school, families with a child having a life-threatening health condition such as a severe allergy, diabetes, asthma, or a severe seizure disorder are required to contact the school and present any medication or treatment orders necessary for their child’s safety at school. Life threatening means that without planning, adequate supplies, medication, or treatment orders the child could be at risk of death at school. For such students, the school nurse will develop an individual emergency health care plan that will be kept on file in the District office and adhered to as written. In accordance with Board Policy, any student having a life threatening health condition may be excluded from school if provisions listed above are not met and provided with an alternative form of education.
In addition to the policies that are directly referred to in this notice, the District would also like to make you to review the information in the Orient Family/STUDENT Handbook and the Orient School Website.
If you have any questions, please call the District Office at 684-6873.
If any errors or omissions or typos were printed in this publication it was not intentional.